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Container for cut flowers

Container for cut flowers
Carts and equipment > Container for cut flowers Container for cut flowers Characteristics Container for cut flowers For years, Organizzazione Orlandelli  has been offering a highly appreciated and effective solution for the management of cut flowers: the container with wheels for stowing cut [...]
Container for cut flowers, Liters: 300 Lt, Box: 3 units

Container for cut flowers, Liters: 300 Lt, Box: 3 units
Carts and equipment > Container for cut flowers Container for cut flowers Code: 24030725-3pz Characteristics Container for cut flowers For years, Organizzazione Orlandelli  has been offering a highly appreciated and effective solution for the management of cut flowers: the container with wheels [...]
Container for cut flowers, Liters: 200 Lt, Box: 4 units

Container for cut flowers, Liters: 200 Lt, Box: 4 units
Carts and equipment > Container for cut flowers Container for cut flowers Code: 24020725-4pz Characteristics Container for cut flowers For years, Organizzazione Orlandelli  has been offering a highly appreciated and effective solution for the management of cut flowers: the container with wheels [...]
Container for cut flowers, Liters: 300 Lt, Box: 12 units

Container for cut flowers, Liters: 300 Lt, Box: 12 units
Carts and equipment > Container for cut flowers Container for cut flowers Code: 24030725-12pz Characteristics Container for cut flowers For years, Organizzazione Orlandelli  has been offering a highly appreciated and effective solution for the management of cut flowers: the container with wheels [...]
Display trolley

Display trolley
Characteristics Organizzazione Orlandelli’s Display Trolley for plants and flower is the best solution for the exhibition of flower products inside greenhouses, nurseries and green shops. Thanks to its double showing shelf, this displayer let present different kinds of plants and create powerful flower compositions that can attract [...]
Display trolley, Trays color: Green

Display trolley, Trays color: Green
Characteristics Organizzazione Orlandelli’s Display Trolley for plants and flower is the best solution for the exhibition of flower products inside greenhouses, nurseries and green shops. Thanks to its double showing shelf, this displayer let present different kinds of plants and create powerful flower compositions that can attract [...]
Stem cleaning brushes

Stem cleaning brushes
Carts and equipment > Stem cleaning brushes Stem cleaning brushes Code: 60079080 1 pairs Box Characteristics Stem Cleaning Brushes: Effective Leaf and Thorn Removal for Perfect Bouquets Our Stem Cleaning Brushes are essential to maintain your stem cleaning machine at its peak performance. When the original brushes begin to wear out due to repeated removal of leaves and [...]
Stem cleaning brushes, Characteristics: Soft brushes

Stem cleaning brushes, Characteristics: Soft brushes
Carts and equipment > Stem cleaning brushes Stem cleaning brushes Code: 60079060 1 pairs Box Characteristics Stem Cleaning Brushes: Effective Leaf and Thorn Removal for Perfect Bouquets Our Stem Cleaning Brushes are essential to maintain your stem cleaning machine at its peak performance. When the original brushes begin to wear out due to repeated removal of leaves and [...]
Post protection

Post protection
Carts and equipment > Post protection Post protection Code: 28094004 Characteristics CODE: 28094004 Column protectors for 113 cm height Mini trolley are an essential accessory to ensure the safety of customers and operators inside the store. ... Reliable, practical and affordable, DC mini trolley pole protectors are the ideal accessory to improve the safety and [...]
Wire-mesh convertible cart, Box: 12 units

Wire-mesh convertible cart, Box: 12 units
Solution for exposure of plants and flowers > Wire-mesh convertible cart Wire-mesh convertible cart Code: 33306160-12pz Characteristics Base, frame kit, 4 shelves, 4 water trays Opened L 1.350 W 1265 H 1.570 mm Closed L 1.350 W 565 H 1.645 mm BENEFITS Adds handiness of the 'Danish' trolley to the attractiveness of a displayer.
Results: 141 - pag 10/15«678910»